Negotiating a Roof Replacement with Your Insurance Company

Learn how to negotiate a successful roof replacement insurance claim with Roofs Restored's expert advice! Get tips on filing an appeal & more.

Negotiating a Roof Replacement with Your Insurance Company

When you submit a claim to your insurance company, they will arrange for an inspection and review of your roof. It is important to select a roofing company that is familiar with insurance claims and will meet with the insurance adjuster at your home to go over the entire roof. Talk to your roofer about defending roof damage and the components that are part of the roofing system. You need someone who is knowledgeable about local codes so they can explain why you need a new roof.

After filing your insurance claim and hiring a roofing contractor to provide evidence, the insurance company has the authority to make a decision. After the allotted time (usually 15 days), the insurance agent will let you know if your claim has been approved or denied. If it is denied, you can appeal the decision. These procedures vary from one insurance company to another, so be sure to consult your insurance agent for guidance.

Negotiating with your insurance company can be intimidating, especially if you are not an expert in the field. Roofs Restored has been having these conversations with insurance companies for years. I will show you how using logic and persistence can help convince your insurance company to give you what you deserve for your roof replacement. Your best ally in this situation (if it comes to that) will be a licensed roofing contractor, not a lawyer.

Think about it; if you are using a reliable roofing contractor or roofing company, they should have the credit to order your shingles before they start work. Having your roof replaced and going through the insurance process is never enjoyable, but using an experienced roofer who is familiar with insurance claims will make it go more smoothly and provide good results. If your roofing system was quite old, new vents or fascia products could help bring it up to current codes. Once you file a roof replacement insurance claim, an adjuster from your insurance company will come to your home.

Before doing anything else, you must follow certain steps and file a roof replacement insurance claim with your insurer. It is common practice; after a major storm, someone knocks on your door and offers to inspect your roof for free. If everything goes well in the insurance claim process and your adjuster approves your roof replacement claim, there will be paperwork to review and sign. If the claim is approved, you can start working with the contractors of your choice to install the new roof.

If the roof replacement contractors tell you that you must file a claim, contact your insurer for details of your policy. It is best to ask two or three roofing contractors to inspect the roof and provide detailed estimates for repairs. Generally speaking, home insurance coverage should cover either repair or replacement (depending on your policy) of a damaged roof.

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